7-Tricks to Prune,Propagate and Fertilize Incrediball Hydrangea Plant

incrediball hydrangeas-prune propagate

Do your Incrediball hydrangeas leave you feeling slightly “meh” instead of “wow”?Do their blooms seem a bit shy and underwhelming, refusing to lift up their gigantic, vibrant blooms that stop traffic and turn heads? Than you Incrediball Hydrangea might need some pruning or might their shrubs be long enough to grow more, which means it needs propagation now.But before you grab the nearest fertilizer and unleash a chemical storm, hold on! There’s a smarter, simpler way to unlock your hydrangeas’ true potential. This isn’t about brute force; it’s about understanding the secrets of their needs and nurturing them with the perfect combination of care.

Your Incrediball hydrangeas can be a show stopper, those magnificent flower clusters doubling in size, showcasing richer, deeper colors that leave your neighbors speechless with envy. This isn’t just a gardener’s daydream; it’s a reality waiting to happen! Forget the guesswork and the disappointment – get ready to witness a floral transformation that will leave your hydrangeas blooming!


incrediball hydrangeas-how to prune propagate
incrediball hydrangeas-how to prune propagate

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About Incrediball Hydrangeas

Incrediball Hydrangeas belgon to  Smooth Hydrangea (Hydrangea arborescens) which was first discovered in East Asia, where it graced the gardens of Japan and China as early as the 17th century. The hydrangea is referred to as “Ajisai” (purple hydrangea) in Japan. It has particular cultural meaning as a mark of appreciation and genuine feelings. This association probably originates from the flower’s persistent blossoms, which represent unwavering gratitude.

Why prune Incrediball hydrangea?

Think of pruning your Incrediball hydrangea like giving it a haircut. It’s not mandatory, but it can do wonders for its health and look. Here’s why:

1-Breathe Easy, Stay Healthy: Your hydrangeas benefit from fresh air circulation, just like you do. Dead, diseased, or overgrown branches are removed through pruning. This makes it possible for the plant to have improved air circulation throughout, keeping diseases that flourish in stagnant air from making the place feel stuffy and inviting.

2-Creating a Sturdy Base: Consider a weightlifter who practices squats as part of their training. It’s similar to pruning your hydrangea. By cutting off a portion of the top growth, you help the plant concentrate its energy on growing larger, more robust stems at the base. Even when its blooms are heavy, the hydrangea can proudly display them because to its sturdy base.

3-More Blooms, More Beauty: Pruning your hydrangea is like telling it, “Hey, it’s time to focus on making new flowers!” You may urge the plant to focus its energy on developing new stems and, naturally, more blooms by pruning back some of the older foliage! In little time at all, you’ll be rewarded with a breathtaking display of hydrangea magic.

incrediball hydrangeas-how to prune propagate

Image Courtesy

Trick # 1

Eggshells are a natural source of calcium, which hydrangeas love. Crush them up and sprinkle them around the base of your plant to boost flower production and improve soil drainage.

When to prune incrediball hydrangea?

Hydrangeas grow naturally. They do not need so much pruning, but some shrubs extremely grow, which of course need some pruning . When’s the best time to give your hydrangea this “haircut”? Aim for either late fall, after the leaves have fallen, or early spring, just before new growth appears. This gives the plant ample time to recover before putting on a dazzling summer display.

What you will need:

  • Bypass Pruners: These are essential for making clean cuts on stems up to about 3/4 of an inch thick.
  • Loppers: For larger, thicker branches, loppers will provide extra leverage.
  • Hand Saw: If you have very old, thick stems, a small hand saw might be necessary.
  • Gloves: Protect your hands from scratches and sap.
  • Disinfectant: Have rubbing alcohol or a bleach solution on hand to wipe your tools between cuts and to prevent disease spread

Trick # 2

Potassium is another key nutrient for hydrangeas. Instead of throwing away overripe bananas, peel them, bury them near the base of your plant, and let them decompose. It’s a natural way to add potassium to the soil.

How to prune incrediball hydrangea?

incrediball hydrangeas-how to prune propagate

Step 1: Removing the 3 Ds of Incrediball Hydrangea

Dead: Keep an eye out for any discolored, brittle, or lifeless branches. They can deplete the energy of good growth and add nothing to the presentation.
Diseased: Look for any branches that show symptoms of pest infestation, discoloration, or spots. Eliminating them aids in stopping the illness from spreading to other plant sections.
Damaged:Branches are those that have been chewed on, shattered, or snapped by animals. Removing them enables the plant to concentrate its energies on robust growth.

incrediball hydrangeas-how to prune propagate

Step 2: Cut Out the Crowd

After removing the obvious weaknesses, let’s focus on enhancing the structure’s overall air circulation. How to do it is as listed below:

Cutting the Ranks: Find any weak weak stems that aren’t making a significant contribution. These could grow at strange angles or be spindly. By removing them, you can improve development and avoid disease by letting more air and sunshine reach the portions of the plant that are healthy.
The Right way: Seek out branches that rub against or cross over one another. They can knot up and obstruct airflow. To promote air circulation and create space, choose a branch and trim it back at its base.

Remember, the goal here is not to create a bare skeleton but to streamline the structure for optimal health and flower production.

Trick # 3

Don’t over-prune—leaving some of the old wood provides support for those dazzling flower heads.

Step 3: Shaping and Sizing Incrediball Hydrangea

Size Matters: Evaluate your hydrangea’s overall size by standing back. The remaining healthy stems should be trimmed back to a height of approximately one-third. This promotes fresh growth and aids in keeping the size under control.

Cutting with Objectives: Look for healthy buds pointing outwards when making cuts. In order to stimulate new growth in the appropriate direction, cut just above one of these buds. This will assist you in shaping your hydrangea to keep its current shape or give it a rounder shape.

Step 4: Hard Pruning – Renewing the Veteran (Optional)

Only seasoned owners of Incrediball hydrangeas with severely overgrown shrubs should take this step. Consider taking a more extreme approach if your hydrangea is several years old and has grown quite dense and unruly:

Now for the big chop: trim the shrub all the way back to within 12 inches of the ground. Although it may seem drastic, this rejuvenation method promotes robust new growth from the base. But note that the plant will not blossom to its full capacity again for a year or two.

Trick # 4

Make cuts at a slight angle to prevent water from pooling and causing rot.

How to propagate incrediball hydrangea?

Gardeners love Incrediball hydrangeas because of their colorful blooms and durable flower heads. However, what if you could enhance the beauty without going over budget? Growing your own Incrediball hydrangeas from stem cuttings is a satisfying and cheap way to increase the amount of flowers in your garden. Let’s get started and provide you the skills and information you need to be effective as a plant propagator.

Tools you need

  • Sharp pruners or shears
  • Potting mix suitable for well-draining containers
  • Small pots (3-4 inches in diameter) with drainage holes
  • Rooting hormone (optional, but can increase success rate)
  • Fungicide (optional, helps prevent fungal diseases)
  • Transparent plastic bag (optional, creates a humid environment)
  • Pencil or stake for labeling (optional)

Choosing the perfect timing:

For Incrediball hydrangeas, late spring or early summer, right before new growth starts to harden off, is the best time to take cuttings. Look for stems that, when softly pressed, flex slightly despite being firm. Stems that are soft or woody should be avoided as they have a lower success rate.

Trick # 5

Don’t toss out those leftover coffee grounds! They can be a great source of nitrogen for your hydrangeas. Mix them into the compost pile or sprinkle a light layer around the base of the plant (avoiding direct contact with the stem).

Step-by-Step Process

Taking the cuttings:

  1. Using your pruners, select a healthy stem that is 6-8 inches long and has at least 2-3 pairs of leaves.
  2. Make a clean, diagonal cut just below a leaf node (the point where a leaf joins the stem).
  3. Remove the lower pair of leaves from the cutting, leaving 1-2 pairs at the top. This reduces water loss and allows the plant to focus its energy on root development.
incrediball hydrangeas-how to prune propagate

Planting your cuttings:

  • Leaving about an inch of space at the top, fill your pots with the well-draining potting mix.
  • Lightly moisten the potting mix.
  • Using your pencil or stake, make a hole in the middle of the mixture that is marginally broader than the stem.
  • Firm the dirt around the cutting’s base slightly after inserting it into the hole, making sure it makes excellent contact with the mixture.
  • Thoroughly water the cutting until all the water has been removed from the pot’s bottom.

Creating a nurturing environment:

  • You can make a makeshift greenhouse by lightly covering the pot with a clear plastic bag to preserve humidity and promote root growth. Alternatively, to keep the leaves moist, spray them frequently.
  • Put the pot in a warm spot with indirect sunshine, between 65 and 75 degrees Fahrenheit (15-21°C). Keep the cutting away of direct sunshine as it may dry it out.

Trick # 6

While it might sound strange, studies have shown that talking to your plants can actually improve their growth. So go ahead, tell your hydrangeas how much you love them, it might just give them an extra boost!

Patience is key:

Rooting can take several weeks, so be patient and remain consistent with watering (avoid overwatering). Gently tug on the cutting after 4-6 weeks to check for resistance, indicating root development.

Fertilization of incrediball hydrangea

incrediball hydrangeas-how to prune propagate

Just like athletes need proper nutrition to perform at their peak, your Incrediball hydrangea needs the right “food” to produce those show-stopping blooms. But unlike grabbing a quick protein bar, feeding your hydrangea involves a touch more finesse. Here’s what you need to know:

1-Spring Feast: Setting the Stage for Growth (After the last frost)

In early spring, after the last frost has passed, give it a balanced fertilizer with a 10-10-10 NPK ratio. Think of NPK as the three key ingredients:

  • Nitrogen (N): Promotes healthy green leaves, vital for photosynthesis (energy production).
  • Phosphorus (P): Encourages strong root development and helps set the stage for bountiful blooms.
  • Potassium (K): Strengthens the overall plant structure, ensuring your hydrangea can hold its beautiful flowers proudly.

2. Summer Boost: Fueling for Breathtaking Blooms (Early summer):

Now that summer is approaching and flower buds begin to appear, it’s time to switch gears. Think of giving your hydrangea a summer smoothie packed with extra power! In early summer, switch to a fertilizer specifically formulated for hydrangeas. These specialized formulas often contain a higher ratio of phosphorus (P) compared to nitrogen (N). This means they provide more of the specific nutrient that hydrangeas need to produce bigger and more vibrant blooms.

Remember, it’s crucial to follow the instructions on the fertilizer label carefully. Over-feeding can damage your plant, so less is always more when it comes to fertilizer.

Trick # 7

Potassium is another key nutrient for hydrangeas. Instead of throwing away overripe bananas, peel them, bury them near the base of your plant, and let them decompose. It’s a natural way to add potassium to the soil.

sunlight requirement of incrediball hydrangea

Incrediball hydrangeas are versatile sun lovers, thriving in full sun (at least 6 hours) with extra watering in hot climates. They also do well in partial sun (4-6 hours) and can tolerate light shade (less than 4 hours) in hot areas, although blooming might be less abundant. Deep shade is not recommended.


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